Friday, December 31, 2010


Hey Everyone,
Had a little trouble getting out of Portland.  TSA wasn't going to let us take a dental compressor onto the aircraft.  With 20 minutes left before plane leaving Randy had to dismantle the compressor housing and pressure fittings with a bicycle tool and a crescent wrench.  One TSA agent really worked hard to get us on the plane.  His nametag said "Pastor".  That was his last name.  Sort of like God telling us he was involved.  When is the last time you met someone witht he last name "Pastor".  Me neither.

Arrived Hong Kong 6 am Thursday.  Met Peter Ng, Phil and Sherries friend.  He was an amazing great brother in Christ and spent the entire day showing us around HK.  Went up to Peak to see the sights, then ferry across Victoria Bay to Kowloon.  Had Dim Sum at a classy restaurant while all dressed in scruffy travel clothes. Fantastic authentic Chinese food but odd to American palate.   I didn't try the "fish lungs"!  Peter did not order his favorite treat, chicken feet, because he didn't think we would like them.

Left HK at about 6 pm and stopped in Dhakar, Bangladesh.  Couple sitting next to me was Chinese from Shanghai.  Coundn't speak english.  They did have a new Apple Ipad and spent the flight playing Chinese Checkers on it.  Apparently had not figured out how to turn down the sound.  Makes loud ding, ding, ding sounds when the ball is moved.

Arrived in Kathmandu airport last night (Thursday here, Wednesday there).  Mukti was there holding up photographs of me and Randy.  Got to hotel with 16 large duffel bags of gear.  Hotel is spartan but clean.  No heat and getting down into the 30s at night!  Found a North Face store and bought some new long underwear today !! 

Went to Ministry of Health today and finalized paperwork.  Randy and I will meet with a doctor from there on Sunday.  Pray we say the right things.  We think they may want some payola but Lamachur church will not pay bribes.

Late lunch at nice little outdoor restaurant near our hotel.  Had spaghetti.  No curry involved.  Figured I'd get enough of that over the next 2 weeks.

Sherry, Phyllis, Gabe and Gabe leaving for Pokhara tomorrow (Saturday).  They will be travelling by bus with the dental gear.  A six hour ride.  Randy and Gayle and I will be flying there on Sunday, a 40 minute flight.  We expect to be called sissies by the others.

Will plan for dental mission on Monday in Pokhara and will go up to Dhampus later in the week.  Pray it stays dry or else cannot drive up to Dhampus.

Talked to Steve today.  He and Jenae doing great.  They remain in Pokhara and had dinner with Mukti's wife today.

Talk to ya later.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with Nepal on the horizon

Hello everyone,
Late Saturday, Chrismas Day.
Holiday over, now beginning to think about packing.  Need to pack gauze, local anesthetic, Surgical drills, etc. to fill out the clinical needs of the team.

Steve and Janae left today for some time to explore before the dental team arrives on Thursday in Katmandu.

I am cautiously looking forward to ministering to the people in Nepal.  Somewhat anxious to see how our clinic will work.

Please pray for clear thinking re: organization and supply.