Saturday, January 1, 2011

Church in Kathmandu

Hello Creekside et al:
Sent Sheri, Phyllis, Gabe Janzen, and Gabe Louthan (hereafter known as GabeL) to Pokhara this morning.  They had to get up a 5 am for a 6:30 departure.  Picture 14 large duffel bags stuffed with dental equipment and 4 backpacks and 4 people plus 2 cabdrivers in 2 cars a little smaller than a geo metro.  Randy and I stayed at the hotel and luxuriated in our 40 degree hotel rooms.

Traditional English breakfast for me, croissants for Randy and Gayle.  Mukti fasts on Sunday morning.  We felt guilty but ate anyway.

Left for church at 9:30 by cab similar to above.  Large Americans like me almost need a crowbar to get in.  Gayle squished in the middle of the backseat.  Didn't hear a peep out of her.  Not sure if it was because she is stoic or because she could not breath.  After what seemed like 20 miles (but probably less than 2) over rutted, muddy, motorbike infested roads we arrived at an opening in a fence.  Inside the opening was a courtyard and the courtyard was open to a very nice meeting place.  Like Creekside the pastors' offices were downstairs and the meeting room was upstairs.  In this case on the 3rd floor.

The church has been pastored by Sundar who is the brother of Bakta and the uncle of Mohan who were both at creekide this past summer.  Took off our shoes and placed in a rack outside the main entrance.
Thinking we should do that at Creekside.  No more loud shoes on the wooden floor!

Once in the meeting area the floor was covered in carpet and had colorful red mats for the people to kneel on for the 2 and 1/2 hour service.  Women on the left of the aisle, men on the right.  There were a small number of chairs in the back of the room and being ignorant americans we sat on the left.  Gayle was the only correct one in this.

Over about 30 minutes approximately 150 people wandered in.  Most all of them greeted us with the traditional Nepali greeting from one Christian to another.  Phonetically I think it is joy-ma-sae  or something like that.  I say it different everytime so I am not sure.  We will ask Steve later. 

All but about 20 people were kneeling on the floor.  I think we could easily get 400 people in the ballroom should we elect to do the same.

The demographic mix was very similar to Creekside with a few older people, a lot of young and middle aged adults (you know who you are), and many small children.

Electricity was out for the city so no electric instruments or microphones until near the end of the music time.  The pastor's wife has asked me to come back and do a music seminar with the teenagers who like to do rock and roll worship.  Maybe Truxton and I will come back and do that sometime.  (I think Truxton would be unique in the Nepali's experience.  HA!)

Great time of worship.  I recorded some of the songs and will put english words on them and teach you when we get back.

Went to Pastor Sunder's house for traditional Nepali meal.  I think I could move here just for the food.  Plus Julie would look really cute in a Sari.

After lunch heard from Krishna, pastor at Lamachur in Pokhara that our other team members had arrived safely if a little haggard.  (He didn't use that word, editorial license. I've seen them after a long trip.)

Randy and Mukti walked somewhere to get some electrical stuff we need and then Randy and I went and talked for an hour over coffee.  If you don't know Randy you need to get to know him.  He has a huge heart for God and for people!

Dinner tonight at 8.  We will probably be eating fried pig bladders or something.  Just kidding, they don't eat pig bladders, as far as I know.

Meeting with Medical Counsel tomorrow at 2 pm. That will be midnight Saturday for you.  Please pray.  These people could change our entire trip.  Whatever happens we will trust the Lord!

Just heard Gabel lost his wallet on the bus ride somewhere.  About a hundred bucks in it and Driver's License and credit card.  Knucklehead kids, gotta love 'em.  Seriously pray that no harm comes.

1 comment:

  1. Heard the Medical Board approved the work. Trusting all are well and the labors are Fruitful. Trusting to hear testimonies of a Miraculous God!
